192 PLVLivePlayerPtr player,
int cacheMs,
bool speedTrackingEnable,
bool seekTrackingEnable);
205 PLVLivePlayerPtr player,
int *cacheMs,
bool *speedTrackingEnable,
bool *seekTrackingEnable);
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetChannelStateHandler(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, OnLivePlayerChannelStateHandler handler, void *data)
for channel state change callback.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerPlay(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, const char *channelId)
play the channel living.Always asynchronously.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerMute(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, bool mute)
set the video mute state.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerGetLogoText(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, PLVLogoTextInfo *config)
get the video Logo text info.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerScreenshot(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, const char *filename)
screenshot the play video picture.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerGetOSDConfig(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, PLVOsdConfigInfo *config)
get the video OSD config info.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetPlayMode(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, int playMode)
set live play mode, you can get mode info after channel info callback.
void(* OnLivePlayerChannelStateHandler)(int state, void *data)
channel live state.
bool(* OnLivePlayerVideoFrameHandler)(PLVVideoFrame *frame, void *data)
player video frame.
void(* OnLivePlayerPropertyHandler)(int property, int format, const char *value, void *data)
player media property value.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetPropertyHandler(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, OnLivePlayerPropertyHandler handler, void *data)
for property change callback.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerGetVolume(PLVLivePlayerPtr player)
the video volume.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetQuality(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, int qualityIndex)
set live play quality, you can get quality info after channel info callback.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerPause(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, bool pause)
pause or resume the video.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetVolumeMax(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, int volume)
set the video volume gain.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetLine(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, int lineIndex)
set live play line, you can get line info after channel info callback.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetCurrentAudioDevice(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, const char deviceId[PLV_MAX_DEVICE_ID_LENGTH])
set the current audio device.
PLAYERSDK_API PLVLivePlayerPtr PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerCreate(void *window)
Creates the PLVLivePlayerPtr object and returns the pointer.
void(* OnLivePlayerChannelInfoHandler)(const PLVChannelInfo *info, void *data)
channel info.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerGetCurrentAudioDevice(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, char deviceId[PLV_MAX_DEVICE_ID_LENGTH])
the current audio device id.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetVideoFrameHandler(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, OnLivePlayerVideoFrameHandler lockHandler, OnLivePlayerVideoFrameHandler unlockHandler, void *data)
for video frame callback.
void(* OnLivePlayerStateHandler)(int state, void *data)
player media state.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerGetCacheConfig(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, int *cacheMs, bool *speedTrackingEnable, bool *seekTrackingEnable)
get player cache config.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetChannelInfoHandler(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, OnLivePlayerChannelInfoHandler handler, void *data)
for channel info callback.
PLAYERSDK_API void PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerDestroy(PLVLivePlayerPtr player)
Destory the PLVLivePlayerPtr object.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetToken(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, const char *token)
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetAudioPlayErrorHandler(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, OnLivePlayerAudioPlayErrorHandler handler, void *data)
for audio play error callback.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetStateHandler(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, OnLivePlayerStateHandler handler, void *data)
for state change callback.
PLAYERSDK_API bool PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerIsPause(PLVLivePlayerPtr player)
the video play state or pause.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetOSDConfig(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, bool enable, const PLVOsdConfigInfo *config)
set the video OSD config info
void(* OnLivePlayerAudioPlayErrorHandler)(void *data)
the player play audio error.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetVolume(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, int volume)
set the video volume.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetCacheConfig(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, int cacheMs, bool speedTrackingEnable, bool seekTrackingEnable)
set player cache config.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerStop(PLVLivePlayerPtr player)
stop the play.
void * PLVLivePlayerPtr
live player object type.
PLAYERSDK_API int PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerSetLogoText(PLVLivePlayerPtr player, bool enable, const PLVLogoTextInfo *config)
set the video Logo text info
PLAYERSDK_API bool PLAYERSDK_CALL PLVLivePlayerIsMute(PLVLivePlayerPtr player)
the video mute state.