plv player sdk doc
No Matches
Deprecated List
Global OnPlayerAudioDeviceHandler )(int audioDeviceCount, void *data)
Global OnRequestVideoInfoHandler )(int code, const PLVVideoRequestInfo infos[], int infosNum, const PLVVideoRequestPageInfo *pageInfo, void *data)
Suggest requesting video information on the server
Global PLVAccountInfo::appSecret
Suggest using secret only on the server.
Global PLVAccountInfo::secretKey
Suggest using secret only on the server.
Global PLVCancelRequestVideoInfo ()
Suggest requesting video information on the server
Global PLVMigrateLocalVideoKeyFile (const char *keyFilePath, const char *secretKey)
Suggest new token API.
Global PLVPlayerGetAudioDeviceCount (PLVPlayerPtr player)
Global PLVPlayerReloadAudioDevice (PLVPlayerPtr player)
No need to call temporarily
Global PLVPlayerSetAudioDeviceHandler (PLVPlayerPtr player, OnPlayerAudioDeviceHandler handler, void *data)
Global PLVRequestVideoInfo (bool sync, const PLVVideoRequestParam *param, OnRequestVideoInfoHandler handler, void *data)
Suggest requesting video information on the server
Global PLVSetSdkCacertFile (const char *fileName)
Not recommended to set the CA certificate path
Global PLVSetSdkHttpRequest (SDK_HTTP_REQUEST type)
Not recommended to set the HTTP request type